
Hey There,

fellow enjoyers of coordinated frequency patterns and simultaneously vibrating energy fields;)

The Music I compile to sets is a broad selection of Full-On, lot of the „trancy“ moments in Psytrance and besides driving beats a lot of beautiful melodies. Big parts of the sets are a mash-up, where the tracks overlap each other, take several turns between themselves and thus form an approach to bring another musical experience to you – although you might know the tracks you will be able to listen to something different. And here a note: with all due respect, i hope not to dissatisfy any of the artists from the tracks I implemented – Just One Big Thank You for all Your great music, it keeps inspiring me and is a great source of energy.

Keep the Spirit alive & Take care of life

Feel free to contact or message me. In terms of bringing us music and joy, or just traveling through, I’m also part of groups, structures or networks, where we might be able to provide you contacts or just a bed to stay over night. For though our culture is not only music or party, but a lot more aspects of how we live and organise together; in a common, fair and sustainable way.


upcoming gigs